Research Methods, Research Scmethods
I absolutely adore my Research Methods professor. Her class could not be more of a joke. Let's go over some reasons why:
1) Today, everyone in class got 5 points extra credit on our next exam just for showing up. Then, as she has for the last 4 out of 5 classes, she gave us an ultimatum: we could stay for class and go over bivariate correlations OR we could leave. She's practically begging us to leave. I mean, last week she said, "would you rather stay in class while I beat you with a metal rod, or you can leave early and I'll give you 50 bucks. Your choice." Hmmm tough one Dr. B...I'll take the metal rod.
2) Our first exam was postponed three weeks simply because we continually asked her to push back the date. We gave no logic or reason to why she should we just simply told her "we don't want to take it then". THEN we convinced her to let us prepare not one but two index cards to bring to the exam. Urline, Kristin, and I managed to fit three chapters worth of notes on those two cards. I got a 98.
3) We were supposed to have three exams, two research articles, one group research project, and a final but, because the test was pushed back so far, she had to eliminate the project and it's looking highly likely that she'll knock off something else too.
4)With the simplest prodding, we can get her off topic. I know more about her vacation to Greece than I do ANOVAs and Student's t tests.
5) She brings us candy... which is pretty much a guaranteed way to my heart.
Though clearly scatter-brained and a little out there, I absolutely adore this woman. On top of the fact that I am getting out easy on one of the hardest courses I'm required to take, I can actually go to her for advice, and I know she really cares about her students. Clearly, she just understands that not a single one of us wants to be in this class, so why torture us? After all, that's what grad school's for.
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