Observational Humor

Just me commenting and complaining about life in general

Friday, August 04, 2006

Lucky Me

Can someone please tell me why I am being called in for work on my day off? I am not a doctor: I wipe other people's poop off the sides of their toilets and pull hair out from their shower drains. This does not require much skill, and therefore I do not think I am that much of a viability that it necessitates dragging me away from my day off to clean houses. Yet, at 7:30 last night I got a call asking me to do just that. I spent my day --in the 95 degree heat-- scrubbing, dusting, and vacuuming. By 2:30, when I finally said to hell with it, my hair was stuck to the sides of my face and I was starting to get heat rash. I was planning on sweating today but while lying on a towel on the beach, reading my new book. Not with my hand in a waste basket trying to remove the tampon wrapper stuck on the bottom.

Isn't my life just grand?


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