Observational Humor

Just me commenting and complaining about life in general

Monday, October 23, 2006

Crap, We've Lost Another One.

Last week, while waiting for my friend Layla to get dressed to go out, I instinctively crept to her computer to check my email, Facebook, Myspace, and every other dorky cyber society I affiliate with. As I was typing in my screenname at aol.com, a shocking headline caught my eye. Right underneath some crap I never heard of called Darfur was some real news, something I frankly didn't see coming: Grey's Anatomy's T.R Knight Announces He's Gay.

For anyone who doesn't watch the GREATEST show ever, TR Knight plays George, the quiet intern who pines for the main character, Meredith Grey. The sensitive and awkward underdog, he has developed somewhat of a following amongst female viewers. In fact, I don't think I know a single woman my age who doesn't openly swoon over George. So, as you can see, this is not just a blow to me but to twenty-something females everywhere.

Fortunately, though, this discovery was somewhat manageable for me since I've been in this type of situation before. It first happened several years ago, when I was both blessed and cursed to turn on Oprah one weekday afternoon. That day, I found the most gorgeous human being I had ever seen gracing her comfortable beige couch. His name was Nate, and I was immediately lost in a sea of daydreams about our beautiful New England wedding that it took me over 15 minutes to realize that not only was he interior decorator (um, dead give-away) but he was also on to talk about the loss of his partner in the recent tsunami. So, clearly, I am the most unlucky person ever. It was months later before I recovered from this devestating blow, and even now its hard to look at a beautifully arranged center piece without getting a little misty eyed over my should-be husband. But on the bright side, I'm now a stronger person becaue of it. Oh yeah, and I also didn't lose my boyfriend in a tsunami.

But anyway, although experience has made this latest news somewhat easier, there's still something bothering me. It isn't that George is gay; Lets be honest, I never had a chance regardless of his sexuality. What really gets me is that I never saw it coming. I PRIDE myself on my gay-dar. It's one of my many useless and mildly offensive skills. I could stand on a park bench and tell you the sexuality of every passerby with nearly perfect accuracy. And when a friend of mine came out to me a few summers ago, he was actually pissed that I was in no way surprised. Though no one else we associated with picked up on it, I knew within minutes of meeting him that he was playing for the other team. Some people can cure terminal illnesses through prayer, I can point out the homosexuals. Its a gift. (On a side note, here's a little advice: If you have to ask, the answer's more than likely yes)

So now I must add dear Georgie to the list of men we women have lost to the boys. It's really a shame that I don't believe that homosexuality is a disease like the Republicans do. Then I could just further delude myself into thinking that these guys will be "cured" and come running to me to make up for lost time. But I guess it's not all bad news, ladies. After all, we still have Ryan Seacrest, Ricky Martin, and Tom Cruise. Now those guys are DEFINATELY straight. If I find out though that Sack from Wedding Crashers is gay, as he's been rumored to be, I'm getting a sex change and moving to the Village. Until then you can find me watching Oprah, getting tips from Nate on how to throw the perfect wedding reception, one we unfortunately will not be sharing.


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